Thursday, 11 October 2012


Extraordinarily, blissfully happy today. Yesterday we had our matching panel - and we passed!! When they came into the waiting room afterwards and shook our hands, we both burst into tears...what a pair! Felt like so much was hanging on that moment - and now, finally, we can move into the next chapter of our lives. OH MY GOD/GODDESS/ALLTHATIS, we are going to be parents!!!!

We were both seriously nervous beforehand, firing intense questions at each other and fumbling to answer them. When we arrived at the meeting place, we were early and the sun was shining, so we went for a little walk to gather our strength, fearing an onslaught like the last panel. But it was our twelve year anniversary so it felt like an auspicious day. And everything was truly flowing our way. The panel members were warm and friendly, and we all laughed together. They seemed delighted with the match and hardly asked us many questions at all. In fact, when they asked us if there was anything we had expected to be asked but hadn't been, I looked down at the pages and pages of notes in my hands and laughed! It just felt right. The whole thing was so beautifully smooth.

Our friends went in straight after us and were successfully matched with their little boy. Afterwards we went for a drink and all sat there looking at each other in stunned surprise!

And the best piece of news? Our little boy - who for so many months of his early life was inconsolable - has become the happiest and most joyful child. All of the people at panel who had met him commented on it. When did he start becoming so happy? Around June time, when we found out about him, and began our nightly rituals of sending him love, imagining holding him, talking to him, visioning everything we would do with him. I'm sure so much of his contented outlook is to do with the wonderful love and care his foster parents have lavished on him, but part of me just feels that there is also a deep, deep connection there between us three, founded five months ago and growing stronger every day...


the boy's behaviour said...

That is fantastic news! - Congratulations.

Now the best bit starts - getting to know each other. xxx

Illanare said...

Fab! Congratulations!

Kate said...


I want this for you RIGHT NOW, when? When when when?

I am sure the love you have been sending has been knitting wonderful energetic connections, I truly believe it. I cannot wait until you are all home together.

with such love and happiness for you!

Kate said...

40I got this today from
"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever"

becca said...

WOW - just stumbled across your blog and really moved by your story and successful adoption. i don't know you but congratulations, its' wonderful! all the best, Becca

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I've just found your blog from LFCA. Congratulations on your new son. What especially moved me to comment though, is your last paragraph in this post. It's beautiful and I am with you in believing that he knew that you were coming.
I'll be following now to see your updates on life by the sea with your sweet little pirate :-)