Thursday 6 September 2012

A letter to our son

Darling son,

Though we can't yet be with you physically, in every other way you are a huge part of our lives. We think about you constantly, talk to you a lot of the time, and have begun to see the world through your eyes. How wonderful a ladybird seems, or a butterfly, or the dog chasing her tail! We imagine you laughing when you see that. And we've seen pictures of your laugh, and can feel it expanding all our cells, opening our hearts with joy. Here is the little altar of things we have been gathering and making whilst we wait, somewhere we can focus on as we dream you into our lives. (At the back there is the 'count-down calendar' until we meet you.) We are busy creating a nest of love for you to come in to, and we can't wait to welcome you.

With love, and more anticipation than I can possibly begin to convey,

Your mum and dad xxxx


Anna Jefferson said...

What a lucky boy to have you two as his mummy and daddy. I would love to catch up with you soon, it seems so much has happened in your life recently. xxxx

Dream Seeker said...

Ah thanks sweetheart, been one hell of a crazy ride but hopefully an end in sight. Should be able to come home with us just before his first birthday, if all goes to plan but we're keeping flexible as nothing has gone to plan so far! Yes, would love to catch up...we're off to Wales for a week on Friday so maybe when we're back - any days good for you? (Have to keep identity and location incognito on blog to protect little one so I'll email you!) Lots of love xx

Sarah said...

How exciting, it can't be long now. He is going to be one very loved young man.

Dream Seeker said...

Thank you, Sarah, that he will be! xx